Welcome to the wide-gamut test page
This is a test area to check if your monitor or screen supports a wide range of colors and other color-related tests. The test is organized into three sections:
COLOR TEST is for color gamut, HDR and new image formats compatibility.
IMAGE SDR is a showcase of images to guide you through the difference between sRGB and Wide-Gamut color space in a Standard Dynamic Range.
IMAGE HDR is a showcase of images to guide you through the difference between a Standard Dynamic Range and High Dynamic Range images.
Choose the test using the tabs below. Let's get started!
Does your monitor support ICC colour profiles? Green YES - Red NO

Can your monitor display a wide colour gamut?
If you see a uniform red square, your monitor cannot display a wide gamut of colours.
If you see the W letter inside the square, your monitor is wide gamut.

How far from sRGB is your display color gamut? The more difference you see inside the squares, the further your display color gamut is from sRGB standard.
ProPhoto tagged image

sRGB tagged image
How does your browser interpret untagged images? All untagged images and page elements should be considered sRGB by the web browser, according to The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). If your browser respects this standard, you should see perfectly uniform colour squares above.
sRGB untagged

sRGB tagged image
How does your browser interpret page elements? All untagged images and page elements should be considered sRGB by the web browser, according to The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). If your browser respects this standard, you should see perfectly uniform colour squares above.
Untagged CSS element

sRGB image
Is your browser ready with recent image formats?




Can your monitor and your browser display an HDR image? If the bottom of each square appears much brighter your browser supports HDR images in AVIF format (an HDR monitor is required).
Display P3 SDR image - JPEG

Display P3 HDR image - AVIF
Can your monitor and your browser display an Ultra HDR image? If the bottom of each square appears much brighter your browser supports JPEG Ultra HDR images (an HDR monitor is required).
Display P3 SDR image - JPEG

Display P3 Ultra HDR image - JPEG
Can your monitor and your browser display an HDR video? If the bottom of each square appears much brighter your browser supports HDR video (an HDR monitor is required).
Display P3 SDR image - JPEG

BT.2020 HDR 1000 nits video - H.264